Bella Breath & Yoga “Light” Retreat in Sardinia, Italy “English speakers & families welcomed” ( 4 Plätze frei)

12.10. bis 19.10.2024:

Our first "Bella Breath & Yoga" LIGHT Retreat "Grounded & Happy"

with Donna Danton & Natasha Speck


Für alle, die bereits mindestens ein Mal mit uns auf Sardinien waren und sich nun die perfekte Mischung aus wohltuender Erdung, vertrauter Bewegung, bekannter Umgebung und entspanntem Urlaub wünschen.

Geerdet und glücklich

Wir starten jeden Tag mit bis zu zweieinhalb Stunden Yoga, Mobilisierung und Qigong und genießen im Anschluss gemeinsam das bekannt köstliche Frühstück am Pool. Sowohl den Auftakt am ersten Abend wie auch den Abschluss am letzten Abend können wir mit einem gemeinsamen Abendessen zelebrieren. Die restliche Zeit steht zur freien Verfügung mit der Option, diverse Sessions bei mir oder Natasha zu buchen (Breathwork, Thai Yoga-Massage) und spontane Trips zu unternehmen.

Optimal ist dieses Retreat für kleine Gruppen oder für alle, die gerne noch einen Lieblingsmenschen (Partner:in, Sohn, Tochter, Freund:in) mitbringen möchten.

Raum für Ruhe

Nach wie vor ist das Hotel Costa dei Fiori ein herrlicher Rückzugsort, weit weg vom Alltag und ganz in der Nähe der unberührten Südwestküste von Sardinien. Der umliegende Park mit Palmen und üppig blühenden Blumen strahlt Ruhe aus und lädt zum Ausspannen ein. Die Bucht von Chia mit ihren weißen Stränden, goldenen Dünen und dem azurblauen Meer ist nur wenige Kilometer entfernt. Tauche erneut in die Wohlfühl-Atmosphäre dieses besonderen Hotels ein und genieße die Infinity Pools mit dem einzigartigen Blick auf die Weiten des Meeres.



        Yoga Ferien Italien, Sardinien

Unser Beste English Event 2019 (Anniko 😉)     Unser erst Bella Breath & Yoga  2017


Zahlen und Fakten: 

Kosten Yogaseminar: 399 bis zu 10 Bewegungs-Einheiten ( morgens ab 7:30) :

    • Sunrise Mobilisations & Qigong
    • Silent & Mindful Breathwalks
    • Täglich morgens Vinyasa Flows, Balance & Stretch mit Elementen aus der Thai Yoga-Massage


    • Gemeinsames Dinner im Hotel-Restaurant, 3-Gänge-Menü (erster & letzter Abend, ca. 45 Euro)
    • 1 Ausflug mit einem Fischerboot inklusive Verpflegung (ca. 105 Euro pro Person)

Melde Dich hier an und überweise die Seminargebühr, um Dir einen Platz im Kurs und ein Zimmer im Hotel zum günstigen Preis zu sichern.

Kosten Unterkunft: ab 554,50 Euro / 891,00 Euro für ein Einzelzimmer

    • 7 Übernachtungen
    • 7 Mal Europäisches Frühstück
    • 2 Gemeinsames Dinner im Hotel-Restaurant, 3-Gänge-Menü (erster & letzter Abend)Einen Monat im Voraus oder vor Ort direkt im Hotel zu zahlen  die Hotelpreise steigen ab Januar 2024, also schnell buchen)


  • Maximal 14 Teilnehmer:innen
  • Flug und Unterkunft werden individuell gebucht (ich unterstützte hier gern)
  • Flug am besten nach Cagliari und dort mit mehreren Personen zusammen ein Auto mieten (ca. 120-150 Euro pro Person bisher)


English Version

October 12 - October 19, 2024: Our 7th "Bella Breath & Yoga" Retreat
Light Version: "Grounded & Familiar"
This retreat is designed especially for our returning guests who have previously joined us and want to extend their stay in Costa dei Fiori, or for those looking to enjoy a holiday with a loved one, whether the loved one participates or not. IT is also perfect for those who have attended the main event from October 5 - 12, 2024, and want to extend there stay we’re offering this light version of the event for the first time. It's perfect for anyone who wants to join us for morning yoga and movement sessions and then have the rest of the day to themselves. We'll kick things off with a group dinner on the first evening and wrap up with another on the last night. The rest of the time is yours to enjoy, with options to book various sessions with me (Breathwork, Thai Yoga Massage) or spontaneous trips like a fishing boat outing or a sailing day.
A quick note: Accommodation during the week from September 28 to October 5, 2024, costs €13 more per night than the second light week from October 12 to October 19, 2024, since this week falls in the low season but still within the NRW autumn holidays. And in 2023, the weather was absolutely stunning and warm until October 21. I can't wait to see who will join us this time!
With Donna Danton & Natasha Speck
Back to the Roots
Since my roots are in Italy, I've always wanted to host a retreat there—now in its sixth year! We love combining water and sunshine, whether by the sea or a beautiful swimming pool—it instantly brings on those wonderful, relaxing holiday vibes. And Italian food is a culinary dream!
Moving Moments
Like all wellBEing retreats, we offer feel-good flows in Sardinia for stretching and relaxation. We start each morning with a wonderfully invigorating class, combining aspects of Ashtanga-Vinyasa yoga with classical Hatha yoga. Whether you're an experienced yogi or a cautious beginner, every level is warmly welcome and well taken care of.
Space for Peace
Away from the crowds, near the unspoiled southwest coast of Sardinia, lies the Hotel Costa dei Fiori. Nestled in a lush park with palm trees and blooming flowers, it's just a few kilometers from Chia Bay with its white beaches, golden dunes, and azure sea. The hotel exudes a warm, welcoming atmosphere with its traditional Sardinian style and friendly staff. One of the two saltwater pools is an infinity pool, offering breathtaking views of the sea.
Mindful Dining
We emphasize mindfulness in eating and preparation, following the best Sardinian culinary traditions. Our chef, with years of experience in Michelin-starred restaurants, creates Mediterranean and Sardinian delights using only fresh local products. Vegetarians will also find plenty to enjoy. Our wine cellar offers fine wines from the region, Italy, and France, perfectly complementing every meal.
Details and Costs:
Yoga Seminar Costs: $399 / up to 12 movement sessions (at 7:30 & 8:30 am)
  • Sunrise Mobilization & Qi Gong
  • Silent & Mindful Breathwalks
  • Daily morning Vinyasa Flows, Balance & Stretch Yoga
  • Elements of Thai Yoga Massage & Breathwork
Your spot is secured in my class and at the hotel at a discounted rate when you register and transfer the seminar fee. The rest will come later...
Accommodation Costs: from $458.50 / $805 for a single room
(Prepaid or paid on-site at the hotel this year. Hotel prices increase from January 2024 as high season begins, so booking early is necessary to get this price. The hotel fee is paid one month in advance or on-site directly at the hotel)
  • 7 nights
  • 7 European breakfasts
Accommodation is paid one month in advance or on-site directly at the hotel. Note that hotel prices increase from January 2024, so booking early is necessary to secure this rate.
Optional Costs:
from $195, including 3 group activities with partners or companions, highly recommended by me
Shared dinner at the hotel restaurant: 3-course menu (first and last night, approx. 445); to be paid extra at the hotel at the end.
1 fishing boat trip with food (approx. $105 per person, paid on-site) on Wednesday.
Maximum 14 participants
Flights and accommodation are booked individually (I'm happy to help here).
The best flights are to Cagliari, and then renting a car together with several people.
Extras: We offer additional Thai Yoga Massages or Breathwork Sessions that you can arrange directly with us.
Looking forward to having you with us!
BE well,
Donna & Natasha
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